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Carnegie Mellon Business Program

Carnegie Mellon Foundations for Management Excellence sponsored by NAEM

Carnegie Mellon University in partnership with NAEM has developed a leading edge advanced certificate program in business management specifically to meet the needs of Environmental Health and Safety managers. This program, Foundations for Management Excellence, is designed to broaden the business the knowledge and leadership skill set of Environmental Health and Safety managers. The focused, substantive business management components of this program will equip participants with essential models and tools for creating more value through their roles and projects within their organizations. This program is led by professors from Carnegie Mellon’s top ranked business school, along with others selected to complete a best-of-class faculty team for the program. The program is aimed at mid-level career environmental health and safety managers with 5-15 years of experience.

The goal of this program is to provide management knowledge to create EHS professionals with broader business perspectives and strengthened skills in the art and science of leadership.

Program Structure
Foundations for Management Excellence is delivered in three three-day executive education modules over the course of six months. The three modules are:

Module I: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Today’s dynamic organizational environment presents leaders with a variety of leadership challenges—personal, interpersonal and cultural. Insights into motivational factors, persuasive communications, influence networks, alternative leadership styles and sources of innovation are necessary to manage and leverage change in alignment with strategic priorities facing organizations. Topics in this module include: Leading High Performance Work Teams, Management Communications, Managing and Negotiating Conflict, and Power and Influence in Organizations.

This module also includes a session on Environmental Strategies and Management Issues. Organizations operate in competitive markets with continually changing regulations and risks. This session examines issues and relationships between organizations and various stakeholders with environmental health and safety concerns, including government, industry associations, customers, and communities.

Module II: Finance and Cost Management
A corporation’s ability to generate profits is the key to value placed on the firm by capital markets. The Corporate Finance session focuses on value-based management and creating shareholder/ownership value. This session provides a sound foundation on corporate finance for participants, regardless of level of financial capability.

Accounting information is used both to facilitate and influence decisions. The Corporate Accounting session focuses on users and sources of accounting information, operation and financing activities, and performance and profitability analysis.

This module also incorporates Applied EHS Topics, a session devoted to tools and methods for environmental management. Topics include corporate environmental management systems, life cycle assessments, and EHS performance tracking. Participants will hear about recent research developments in environmental management. The session will tie directly to other sessions on finance, operations, strategy and marketing.

Module III: Operations, Marketing and Strategy
Properly integrating operations with other function activities provides major opportunities to positively impact overall corporate performance. The Value-Base Operations session examines the operations and engineering functions in the context of an overall enterprise view of the firm.

Information technology has become the hub for many new business models and approaches. IT Systems for Process Innovation provides an understanding of information systems including the Internet to enable managers to better leverage IT capabilities of their companies and work effectively across the firm to develop IT supported solutions to business problems and opportunities

Marketing has an increasing strategic role in today’s organizations: strengthening market position catalyzing new product development, and promoting long-term growth. Marketing Strategy and the Customer explores customer valuation as an emerging way to define a market.
Renewing an organization is one of the greatest challenges confronting executives. Strategy and Renewable Advantage considers the unique concept of economic time and competitive advantage. This session helps participants recognize that companies change according to their business cycle speeds, and performance through the value chain, and develops perspectives on how to leverage competencies to maximize advantage.

For more information or to register for this program visit or call 1-888-565-3091.

Copyright © NAEM 2004