The Conference Agenda
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8:00 a.m. |
Registration and Breakfast |
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. |
Welcome and Introductions
- Bruce Maeda, Director of EHS, Genentech
- Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director, NAEM
9:00 - 10:15 a.m. |
Formalizing Your Sustainability Program: Essential Steps for Getting Started
This session will examine how two companies moved from aspirations of sustainability to a formalized corporate program that operationalizes the definition and concepts set by their senior leadership. From the macro questions of “What does sustainability mean to my organization?” and “What does it mean to me as a corporate EHS leader?” to “How do I leverage existing systems to establish a successful sustainability program?” and “What does a world class sustainability staffing structure look like?” this session will explore the range of issues you need to address as you get started.
- Dave Asplund, Global EHS Manager, Juniper Networks
- Bruce Klafter, Head of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, Applied Materials
10:15 - 11:30 a.m. |
Developing Sustainability Goals and Metrics
It is said all the time because it’s true: what gets measured gets managed. But what are the right metrics and which ones are truly key performance indicators (KPIs)? Learn how to focus on a few indicators that will gauge the progress and success of your efforts. Walk away with an understanding of how to set targets and update them as your program matures.
- Joe Bialowitz, Project Manager, Environmental Stewardship, Kaiser Permanente
- Cliff Hanna, Director EHS, Amylin Pharmaceuticals
- Aston A. Hinds, Environmental Affairs Manager, Port of Houston Authority
11:30 - 11:45 a.m. |
Break |
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. |
Special Session on Systemic Thinking
Applying a New Mental Tool for Managing Sustainability
From the White House to the executive board room, the concept of Systemic Thinking is being recognized as an exciting way to approach increasingly complex problems. By understanding issues in terms of their context and relationships to each other, leaders can assess a wider range of possible solutions and make better, more informed decisions. This session will explore the Systemic Thinking approach, and shed light on its natural connection to the concept of sustainability. Participants will learn about Systemic Thinking tools through current case study examples of macro-environmental issues involving multi-stakeholder engagement.
- Nancy Roberts, Instructor, Dominican University Green MBA Program
12:30 - 1:15 p.m. |
Lunch |
1:15 - 2:30 p.m. |
Supply Chain Sustainability: Matching Goals Up and Down the Supply Chain
No matter where you are in the value chain, your sustainability efforts need to mesh with the goals of your customers and suppliers. Hear from companies that have developed partnerships that open the lines of communication and keep the dialogue flowing past the point of simply being reactive. Learn how to take the lead on information requests and create a response strategy that is consistent with your EHS reality as well as your company’s strategic vision.
- Rodney Davis, Senior Manager Global Sustainability, Mattel, Inc.
- Yonnie Leung, Manager, Supply Chain Strategy & Performance Management, PG&E
- Marsha Ali, SER Manager, NVIDIA Corporation
Moderator: Rebecca Sternberg, Sustainability Practice Lead, EORM |
2:30 - 2:45 p.m. |
Break |
2:45 - 4:00 p.m. |
From Data to Information: Sustainability Tracking
From deciding when its time to move beyond basic spreadsheets to evaluating vendors, this session will help you select the right kind of software to track your sustainability program. The panel will look at trends in software and discuss the pros and cons of a variety of options. We’ll address questions such as: How do I write a requirements definition? Who should be involved in the decision making? And will something better be coming out in six months?
- Katie Excoffier, Sustainability Manager, Genentech
- Ramana Kolluri, Manager, EHS Management Info Systems, Barrick Gold
- Nayeem Sheikh, Global Energy Manager, Cisco Systems
Moderator: Joanne Schroeder, Principal, E2 Managetech |
4:00 - 5:15 p.m. |
Getting Everyone on Your Team: Best Practices for Communications and Employee Engagement
Whether you’re trying to get the message out to external stakeholders or a co-worker down the hall, you need to create an effective communications strategy that delivers meaningful information to your target audience. Take away an understanding of how to convert data into a meaningful message that highlights the positive aspects of your program and get answers to questions such as: How do I manage my marketing team? Why is this information relevant? How do I incite enthusiasm in idealistic new hires and the old guard at the same time? And do I have to use twitter?
- David Newman, Director, EHS & Sustainability, Millipore Corporation
- Sara Kendall, VP EHS & Sustainability , Weyerhaeuser Company
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. |
Networking Reception |
Contact Mike Mahanna, Program Manager, at (202) 986-6616.