NAEM's 2018 Corporate Sustainability Management Conference

Mike Wallace, Partner; BrownFlynn, an ERM Group Co.


Mike Wallace, Partner; BrownFlynn, an ERM Group Co.

Mike is responsible for expanding BrownFlynn's market engagement across North America, developing new and existing strategic partnerships, providing innovative corporate responsibility and sustainability solutions to clients and helping shape the strategic direction of the Firm. Having helped establish and then direct GRI's North American operations from 2010 to 2014, Mike was instrumental in driving sustainability and reporting across the North American economy.


Mike's 20+ years of international experience in the sustainability field provides BrownFlynn clients and strategic partners with a global view of the sustainability landscape. Having given expert testimony to the European Commission, U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, Environmental Protection Agency and the General Services Administration, and having presented on the topic of sustainability and reporting at an array of executive level conferences and meetings. Mike worked for ERM US and Australia during the first part of his career. His expertise in the field is highly regarded and valued by a wide range of colleagues and organizations around the world.

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