
Preliminary Agenda


Wednesday, Mar. 7, 2012

8 - 8:45 a.m.Registration and Breakfast
8:45 - 9 a.m.

Official Welcome and Introductions

    Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director, NAEM
9 - 10 a.m.

Keynote: Global Environmental Trends Impacting Business


Global environmental trends are shaping tomorrow’s markets. How can your company navigate them and be competitively positioned for future markets over the long-term?

  • Samantha Putt del Pino, Co-Director of Business Engagement in Climate and Technology, Climate and Energy Program; World Resources Institute
10 - 10:30 a.m.


10:30 a.m. -
12 p.m.

Benchmarking Different Approaches to Corporate Sustainability Management

This session will provide attendees with an opportunity to benchmark different approaches to sustainability management including reporting structures, staffing, budgeting, metrics, goals, and results/program benefits.  Attendees and speakers will have the chance to discuss the benefits, challenges and opportunities of these different structures and management approaches.

  • Balaji Saravana, Head of Global Sustainability; Newell Rubbermaid
  • Bill Frerking, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer; Georgia-Pacific LLC
  • John Gardner, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer; Novelis Inc.
12 - 1 p.m.


1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

Measuring the Business Value of Employee Engagement

This session will focus on case studies from companies with established Employee Engagement programs. Speakers will give highlights of their efforts, but focus more on how they measure and report the business value of their efforts.
  • Gretchen Digby, Director, Sustainability Education and Engagement Initiatives; Ingersoll Rand Co.
  • Sasha Bailey, Strategic Communications Manager; ThyssenKrupp Elevator Americas
2:15 - 2:45 p.m. Break

Track 1: Foundational Elements

Track 2: Advanced Topics

2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

Peer to Peer Discussions on Sustainability

This session will offer attendees an opportunity to meet and discuss their ideas and plans informally with experienced Sustainability Managers.  Whether just starting out, or tackling advanced issues, attendees will enjoy lively small group discussions and receive peer advice on how to move forward.

    • Art Gibson, Vice President of EHS; Baxter Healthcare
    • Bruce Karas, Director of Safety & Environmental Services; The Coca-Cola Co. 
    • David Newman, Head of EHS and Sustainability; EMD Millipore

Assessing Water Availability for Global Business 20 years and beyond

Water scarcity is poised to become one of the largest business risks in the next two decades. Gain an understanding of the impacts that reduced water availability will have on operations around the world and how to prepare for likely scenarios. This session will also feature a case study that demonstrates how one company prioritized water-related risks and opportunities to establish an actionable global water strategy’

  • Aaron M. Lien, Analyst; Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
  • Todd Swingle, Environmental Manager; Cummins Inc.
3:45 - 5 p.m.

Essential steps to conducting a baseline GHG inventory
Gain an understanding of the key steps in developing a greenhouse gas inventory.  This session will provide an overview of the requirements and guidance provided in the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, including determining which company operations to include, identifying and categorizing emissions sources, calculating emissions with user-friendly tools, and reporting complete emissions information.

  • Kaleigh Robinson, Lead - International Training and Capacity Building; World Resources Institute/ GHG Protocol Initiative

Making the Grade:

What's the Value in Sustainability Rating and Rankings?

What impact do different sustainability and 'green' rankings have on the bottom line? While being at the top of the list is good for a corporate image, does it actually correlate to increased sales? Here how a well-rated company measures both the qualitative and quantitative benefits of their ratings.


Additionally, hear an update on the sustainability ratings and rankings landscape, one year after NAEM's initial assessment in the Green Metrics that Matter Project.

  • Japen Hollist, Second Vice President; Aflac
  • Rose Shaver, Manager, Sustainability; Summit Energy Services Inc.
5 - 6:30 p.m.

Networking Reception


Thursday, Mar. 8, 2012

8 - 9 a.m. Registration and Breakfast

Track 1: Foundational Elements

Track 2: Advanced Topics

9 - 10:15 a.m.

Stakeholder Mapping:

Understanding Your Company's Role in the Bigger Picture

Stakeholder Engagement has become an increasingly crucial driver of business performance. It is a vital tool for managing risk, protecting the license to operate, enhancing reputation, and finding new revenue opportunities. Companies often struggle to map stakeholders effectively. The session will provide an expert-led exercise to use stakeholder mapping as a tool to engage business units and deliver business results from stakeholder engagement. This session will provide a case study that demonstrates how mapping has been used to make engagement more effective. 

  • Steve Rochlin, Director; AccountAbility
  • Hilary S. Davidson, Director, Sustainability & Community Affairs; Duke Energy Corp.

Ecosystem Services: A Lens for Understanding Business Risk

Leading organizations have realized that nature is an essential asset which provides vital but undervalued benefits such as clean air, fresh water and flood protection. But how do you operate in a way that reflects nature's short and long-term worth? Hear from companies that assessed financial, ecological and societal factors in their decision making, and understood potential risks and opportunities related to resources and raw materials essential to their business.

  • A.W. Armstrong, U.S. Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Caterina Conti, Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel; Anvil Knitwear Inc.
  • John Finisdore, Principal; Sustainable Flows
10: 15 - 10:30 a.m.


10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Taking your Sustainability Communications and Reporting to the Next Level

This session will cover a wide range of communications and reporting issues including effective messaging through words and images, elements of best-in-class sustainability communications and how to get the most out of using GRI guidelines for fundamental and advanced reporters.

  • Marjella Alma, Manager External Relations; Global Reporting Initiative
  • Sarah Dearman, Sustainability & Stakeholder Relations Communications Director; Coca-Cola Refreshments
  • Emma Williams, Corporate Communications, Sustainability; Shaw Industries Group Inc.


12:15 - 1:30 p.m.

(Working Lunch)
Sustainability Innovations and Emerging Technologies
Across the country, large businesses, start-up firms and universities are working on technologies that will leapfrog corporate sustainability efforts and drastically reduce resource needs.  From energy to water to packaging reductions, NAEM has gathered a group of innovative big-thinkers and doers to show you what will be possible in the near future. While these products and ideas may not apply to your business today, this session is an opportunity to see what's on the horizon and meet some sustainability innovators. 

  • Matt Plante,Vice President of Energy Efficiency; EnerNOC
  • Gavin Mcintyre; Ecovative
  • Kathryn Lewis, Business Strategist; dMASS 
1:30 p.m.

Conference Adjourns


Download the PDF Agenda.

About NAEM

The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces, and promote global sustainability. As the largest professional community for EHS and sustainability decision-makers, we provide peer-led educational conferences and an active network for sharing solutions to today's corporate EHS and sustainability management challenges. Visit NAEM online at www.naem.org.

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