7:30 - 8:30 a.m. |
Continental Breakfast, Welcome and Introductions
- Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director; NAEM
- Frank Brandauer, Avery Dennison, NAEM President
- Ana Fernandez, US Food Service, Forum Co-Chair
- Barbara Lemos, EarthTech AECOM, Forum Co-Chai
8:30 - 9:45 a.m. |
General Session A - Managing the Green
The EHS & Sustainability managers are being challenged to reduce their organization's global footprint and at the same time increase the value of their businesses. Please join us for a discussion of the financial, organizational, and social pressures driving the "C-Suite" to better manage the green financial and environmental bottom lines.
9:45 - 10:15 a.m. |
Break in Exhibit Hall |
Track 1: Managing Resources & Risk |
Track 2: Transparency & Communication |
Track 3: The Business of Sustainability |
Track 4: Managing Global Business |
10:15 - 11:45 am |
Session 1 - Risk Management
This session will explore and define "risk" management versus "business risk" management. Special attention will also be given to understanding how the roles and responsibilities of EHS managers are changing with respect to the organization's risk profile. Risk will be considered from different business perspectives including emerging regulatory risk and perceived external risks by the public.
- Candace Freyseng, Corporate Manager, Environment, Health & Safety; MDS Inc.
- Virginia Winter, Senior Consultant; Delta Consultants Inc.
Session 2 - Partnering With NGO's
Everywhere you look, you see products, packages and companies with claims meant to generate feelings and influence purchasing decisions. At the same time, companies and NGOs are increasingly engaging in mutually beneficial partnerships. But what do claims like "green," "environmentally friendly," "organic" and "partnering" really mean? Come hear specific examples of how companies and NGOs are successfully collaborating to create a better Earth and improve the bottom line.
- Kyle Cahill, Director, Corporate Engagement; Environmental Defense Fund
- Johanna O'Kelley, Director of Licensing; Sierra Club
- Jamie Owen, Corporate Product Supply Leader for Environment and Sustainability; Clorox Co.
- Ana Fernandez, Director, Environmental Programs; US Foodservice
Session 3 - Crash Course in GHG Management
Heightened concern about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is creating new challenges for business and industry. Uncertainty of Future regulations and Increasing fuel prices are increasing pressure on Companies to document Carbon footprint and management programs to keep up with pending government regulators, shareholders concerns, and customers desires for "Green or Reduced Carbon" products that reduce or offset GHG emissions. Industry is responding by undertaking global GHG inventories, conducting risk or opportunity assessments and/or implementing multiple GHG management strategies. Regardless of where you are in this process, join us for a discussion on basic "tips and tricks" of GHG management that will help you and your industry succeed.
- Mark Hause, Environmental Competency Leader; Dupont Co.
- Doug Stilwell, EHS Manager; International Paper
- Daily Tipton, Regional Vice President; Enviance
Session 4 - Restructuring to Meet Global Challenges
n this session, you will hear speakers from global companies present their experiences integrating acquired and newly built operations in countries far flung from their company's headquarters into their well-established corporate EHS culture and expectations. Find out how they communicate and help build their corporate EHS culture, adapt corporate expectations for operations in developing countries and hear how long it took to fully integrate a new international location into a company's EHS culture.
- Dawn Krueger, Environmental Operations Manager; 3M
- Zack Mansdorf, Senior Vice President, Safety, Health & Environment; L'Oreal North America & Worldwide
- Mark Manninen, Environmental Operations; 3M
11:45 - 1:15 p.m. |
Luncheon in Exhibit Hall |
1:15 - 2:45 p.m. |
Session 5 - Zero Waste
Waste equals lost resources and a loss in value for the organization. In this session, you'll hear case studies on how companies have drastically cut their waste to achieve zero waste status. Don't miss this opportunity to hear lessons learned as well as key strategy tips.
- Tom Easterday, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel; Subaru of Indiana Automotive
- Tim Gaughan, Manager Environmental Services and Performance; Arkema Group
- Dan Croghan, Director of National Accounts; Pollution Control Industries
Session 6 - Metrics and Sustainability Reporting: What to Collect to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Report
As industry faces increasing pressure from investors and consumers, sustainability reporting is now the widely accepted mechanism for business to communicate about the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment. In this session, you'll hear how to determine and use metrics to create a sustainability report, while achieving transparency, accounting and business objectives.
- William McGlocklin, Director of Environmental Affairs, SKF USA Inc.
- Elaine Salewske, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications; Baxter International Inc.
- Dave Rath, Chief Executive Officer; Process MAP
Session 7 - Human Sustainability:" Business and EHS Implications of an Aging Workforce
Baby Boomers are redefining what it means to retire and many say that they don't plan to stop working. The reasons for this are both financial and personal and "working in retirement," once considered an oxymoron, is the new reality. The rapidly aging workforce is both a challenge and major opportunity for corporations. In this session, you'll learn about the health implications (demographics & key concerns), injury and illness trends, and tactics and strategies to apply for an aging workforce.
- Robert Blink, MD, MPH, Occupational and Environmental Medicine; WorkCare Inc.
- Madina Joshi, Corporate Ergonomist; Raytheon Co.
- Fred Norton, Technical Director; Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Bernie Frist, Principal, Global Management & Advisory Services; ARCADIS
Session 8 - International Product Regulation
With U.S. exports expected to climb to more than $1.1T in 2008, Global Product Stewardship and corporate compliance with international product regulations is a growing concern for corporate leaders and EHS managers. You will hear how leading companies manage their Product Stewardship Program in light of extensive international product regulations and their need to approach multiple existing and new markets, as well as verification of compliance within the supply chain.
- Nancy Joy-Poignon, EHS Customer Relations Leader; Owens Corning
- Dave Koepper, Director of EHS; ITT Motion & Flow
- Tommy Thompson, Senior Manager, International Environmental Affairs; Hanesbrands Inc.
- Blair Burgess, Vice President, Manufacturing Sector Lead; ENSR AECOM
2:45 - 3:30 p.m. |
Break In Exhibit Hall |
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. |
Session 9 - Safety: Best Practices and Emerging Issues
Come hear how these companies are tracking safety incidents, reducing incidents and managing corporate wide reporting and transparency. Speakers will also reveal the benefits of partnering with labor and OSHA to implement the Voluntary Protection Programs.
- Bob Brant, Manager, OSHA Coordination; United States Postal Service
- Keith Welch, EHS Coordinator, Tyco Valves & Controls
- Stephen Ross, International Account Executive; Intelex
Session 10 - Show Me The Money:" Sustainability and Financial Planning
Sustainability projects such as reducing your organization's water or energy footprint or greenhouse gas emissions can reduce operating costs, improve profitability, and enhance investor value while providing many other less tangible benefits. However, selecting appropriate projects and obtaining management approval and funding require successful demonstration of their return on investment in a competitive business environment. This session provides EHS managers with practical strategies to evaluate – and communicate – the financial benefits of a sustainability project, and advance it from concept through approval to successful implementation.
- Rob Currie, Director, Environment, Health & Safety; Baxter Healthcare Corp.
- Allen Stegman, General Director-Environmental; BNSF Railroad
- Barbara Lemos, Vice President; Earth Tech AECOM
Session 11 - Shrinking Your Carbon Footprint
During the 110th Congress, The U.S. Senate considered comprehensive legislation to address global climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Although the legislation did not pass, both Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama have indicated they support climate change regulation, making passage in the next Congress more likely than ever before. In this session, gain insights in to how three companies with very different business models are preparing for conducting business in a carbon-constrained world.
- Janice Hager, Managing Director of Integrated Resource Planning; Duke Energy Corp.
- Alice Leblanc, Director, Office of Environment and Climate Change; AIG Corp.
- Vanessa Stiffler-Claus, Manager of Federal Affairs; John Deere & Co.
- Mariann Quinn, Director of Environmental Policy Analysis & Strategy; Duke Energy Corp.
Session 12 - Challenges of Global Auditing
In this session, you will hear how companies are developing and implementing audit programs on a global level. Presentations will include discussions on the process followed in revising a domestic program to include an international focus. Issues relating to auditing company policy and regulatory requirements will be addressed as well as use of international audit tools and challenges relating to cultural and language barriers.
- Michael Green, Compliance Auditing Manager; BP
- Rick Prior, Manager, EHS Audits & Remediation; International Paper Co.
- Frank Szopinski, Manager, Compliance Assurance Global EHS; Abbott Laboratories
- Les Engel, Senior Consultant; ERM
5:30 – 7:00 p.m. |
Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Hall |
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. |
Continental Breakfast |
8:30 - 10:00 a.m. |
General Session B - The Speed of Trust
The SPEED of TRUST challenges our age-old assumption that trust is merely a soft, social virtue and instead demonstrates that trust is a hardedged, economic driver - a learnable and measurable skill that makes organizations more profitable, people more promotable, and relationships more energizing. This fast-paced and engaging presentation dramatically reveals TRUST as the hidden variable that will become your most leverage able tool, fueling your current strategic imperatives. We call it "Leading at the SPEED of TRUST." |
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. |
Break In Exhibit Hall |
Track 1: Managing Resources & Risk |
Track 2: Transparency & Communication |
Track 3: The Business of Sustainability |
Track 4: Managing Global Business |
11:00 - 12:30 p.m. |
Session 13 - Incorporating Risk Analysis into EHS Assessments
Ever wonder how other companies evaluate and communicate EHS risks? In this session you will learn how some have begun using specific tools and techniques for analyzing the risks associated with operational activities and/or EHS opportunities identified through their auditing/assessment programs. You will hear how the tools work, upon what criteria they are based, how and to whom results are communicated, and whether or not they are achieving their desired outcomes. We will also discuss the various and changing definitions of EHS risk, and how they impact the analysis techniques.
- Greg DeCamp, Senior Environmental Specialist; Constellation Energy Group
- Dean Miracle, Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Manager; Southern Co.
- Dawn Krueger, Environmental Operations Manager; 3M,
Session 14 - The EHS Manager as Change Agent
As an EHS manager, you have some unique opportunities to leverage your organizational connections, interdisciplinary perspective, and personal passion to help your organization to embrace EHS and sustainability initiatives. In addition to benefiting your company's reputation with internal and external stakeholders, such initiatives can also serve as pathways to improved profitability. Our featured speaker will provide examples of proven leadership strategies that have transformed his organization, and session attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a facilitated discussion to explore application of these approaches to their organizations.
- Bruce Huber, Director of Safety & Health; Barrick Gold
- Don Ritz, Vice President Safety and Health; Barrick Gold
- Barbara Lemos, Vice President; Earth Tech AECOM
Session 15 - Impact of Sustainability on Corporate Strategies
Environmental sustainability within the corporate structure has moved from performing a handful of disparate "green" projects to being a key factor in the future success of the business. Stakeholders are demanding that companies become more environmentally conscious. Sustainability is now driving business strategies, from building design to product formulation to environmental footprint analysis. Those who succeed in addressing the sustainability upsurge are gaining a competitive advantage. How does a company suddenly become "environmentally sustainable"? Hear how three leading corporations have approached this challenge.
- Larry Deeney, Manager of Global Environment; General Mills Inc.
- Sarah Gibson, Global Environmental Manager; Dell Inc.
- Michael Hewett, Manager of Environmental Services; Publix Super Markets Inc.
- Dick Pastor, Vice President - Retail Sector, Shaw Environmental
Session 16 - Managing the Global Supply Chain
How do you effectively engage and manage a global network of suppliers to encourage sustainable practices, while keeping your company objectives in mind? In this session you will hear how companies are planning, implementing and managing sustainability initiatives in the supply chain to meet stakeholders' and their own expectations.
- Dr. Todd Cort, President/CEO, csrnetwork Inc.
- Brian Glazebrook, Manager, Supply Chain Social Responsibility, Global Supply Chain Management; Cisco Systems Inc.
- Connie Sasala, Executive Partner and Chief Sustainability Officer; Cameron-Cole LLC
12:30 - 2:00 p.m. |
Exhibitor Business-to Business Luncheon |
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. |
Session 17 - Integration With Six-Sigma And Lean Programs
Innovative companies are finding ways to continually improve the efficiency of their business by utilizing process management systems, such as Lean and Six Sigma. These successful techniques can also be applied to EHS efforts, driving improvements in EHS performance, while reducing risk. Implementation of Lean/Six Sigma tools can result in decreased waste generation, water usage, energy consumption, worker exposures and employee accidents. Learn how leading companies have incorporated these concepts into their business operations, creating a competitive advantage while promoting a safe and sustainable culture.
- Bob Brayley, Director, EHS & Disability Management, Textron
- Paul Narog, Environmental, Health & Safety Building, 3M
- Larry Deeney, Manager of Global Environment, General Mills
Session 18 - ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: EHS: What Does it Really Mean to be "World Class?"
While all companies strive for World-Class delineation, what does it really mean? What are the hallmarks of a "world class" EHS organization? Where does your organization stand? In this session, you'll hear speakers from leading firms share their views, and their path toward this goal.
- Michael Hewitt, Global Workplace Safety Practice, DuPont Co.
- Mitch Jackson, Managing Director, Corporate & International Environmental Program, FedEx Corp.
Session 19 - Proactive Corporate & Community Strategies For Sustaining Water Resources
Recent events have signaled a growing urgency for companies to develop more coordinated, forward-looking, and sustainable water strategies. This heightened awareness in global water challenges has catalyzed some to look beyond traditional ‘operational fence line' efficiency and conservation measures to investments in longer-term, comprehensive solutions. Gain insight into some multi-faceted water management approaches that also include process/product level innovations and investments in community partnerships to promote local water resource solutions.
- Jeff Lineberger, Director, Hydro Strategy and Relicensing; Duke Energy Corp.
- Tanya Blalock, Water Issues Manager, Environmental Affairs, Georgia Power Co.
Session 20 - Emerging Regulatory Issues
This session will provide a brief update on global EH S regulatory issues from EN SR and BNA experts. In addition, a panel of corporate EH S professionals will provide an overview of their best practices for keeping abreast of their own global regulatory obligations and how global regulations are effecting their business.
- Ray Lizotte, Senior Environmental Engineer; American Power Conversion
- Phil Wood, ENSR AECOM
- Wallis McClain, Manager Global EHS Information; BNA
3:30 - 3:45 p.m. |
Break |
3:45 - 5:15 p.m. |
Session 21 - Energy Management Best Practices
This session will provide case studies on best practices on how to best manage your energy. Speakers will share their experiences with alternative fuels, landscape changes, interim technology, and the challenges you face during implementation! Also in this session, you'll hear how one company set up a successful landfill to gas project.
- Andrew Couch; West Tennessee Clean Cities Coalition
- Dave Prybylowski, Sustainability Director; Mars Snackfood US
- Melinda Edwards, Environmental Compliance Manager, US Postal Service
Session 22 - CSR in a Changing World
As an EHS manager, what is your role in ensuring that your organization operates in a socially responsible manner? Learn how to develop a sustainability strategy within your organization by implementing initiatives and communicating their success. You'll hear about programs such as Johnson Controls' sponsored multi-city program that benefits green spaces, youth and local economies; Cadbury's United Nations Development Program that supports improved farming productivity and communities; and how Gap Inc. developed their environmental strategy and program.
- Anita Dawson, Director, EHS; Cadbury
- Jennifer Mattes, Director Global Public Affairs; Johnson Controls
- Liz Muller, Sustainability Consultant (Former Senior Environmental Manager; Gap Inc.)
- Richard Wizansky, Senior Director for Institutional Advancement; Student Conservation Association
- Christina Schwerdtferger, Compliance Practice Leader; EDSG
Session 23 - The Act of Leading
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Each organization is uniquely equipped to get the results it gets. Are you the kind of leader that your organization wants you to be? Is your organization delivering the results that are expected? Reflecting upon over 30 years of leadership experience with a multinational corporation, the presenter will share practical ways to improve leadership behaviors that translate into empowered, results delivering organizations that attract and retain personnel.
- Alex Polleck, Formerly Director of EH&S; The Dow Chemical Co.
Session 24 - Chemical Risk Management
Over the last year, the Work Group has developed a report providing recommendations on how industry and DoD can work together to achieve the Group's stated goals. At this session Work Group leaders from Industry and DoD will discuss the process they undertook to identify core issues and actionable items, and ultimately develop consensus-based recommendations on how these processes can be improved. The final report will be available for review at the session.
- Shannon Cunniff, Director, Emerging Contaminants; Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Defense (ESOH)
- Mark Anderson, Senior Vice President, Stateside Associates
7:00-10:00 p.m. |
Networking Dinner at B.B. King's Restaurant |