
Peer-to-Peer Agenda


The Forum features two days packed with practical learning sessions and four inspiring keynote presentations from thought-leaders in the profession. The exhibit hall will introduce you to more than 50 leading EHS service providers. Come learn, connect and network with more than 500 of your peers.


► Download the Final Conference Program (PDF)


Tuesday Oct. 18, 2011

8:30 a.m. -
5 p.m.

NAEM Board of Regents Fall Leadership Meeting


Agenda to follow

2 -
7 p.m.

Registration Opens


Avoid the lines, Register early on Tuesday!

4 -
5 p.m.

NAEM Affiliate Council Meeting - Finger Rock Room


Contact John Reichling with questions about NAEM’s Affiliate Council.

5 -
6 p.m.

"Emerging Leaders" Happy Hour - Hotel Lounge 


Contact Elizabeth Ryan for more information on this group.

7:30 a.m. -
7 p.m.

USBCSD Fall Meeting and PACE Marketplace Event


View Meeting Agenda and Register


(NAEM Members attending the USBCD meeting should select the "member" rate when registering)


US BCSD Fall Meeting

Through the application of innovative collaborative methodologies, US BCSD members and colleagues have redefined the boundaries of sustainable business practices. Our By-Product Synergy projects, PACE Financing energy efficiency retrofit model, the recently launched Water Synergy Project, and our work with Biodiversity and Ecosystem services have demonstrated - in the past year more than ever - that sustainable development can generate economic returns while improving the environment and society.


We’ve tailored our Fall Meeting around interactive and collaborative sessions in both our Monday and Tuesday agenda. US BCSD working groups will meet on Monday afternoon to discuss their progress and to re-define the path forward in our five key work streams. On Tuesday morning, our plenary sessions will feature dynamic panel presentations while also allowing attendees to engage in small group discussions. Click here to view our full agenda.


PACE Financing Marketplace

Attend our workshop on Tuesday afternoon, October 18th, to learn about the clear benefits of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing for your sustainability projects. We will outline how PACE works for both cities and companies, as well as present an opportunity to interact with the key players that make PACE a success.


Join the US BCSD, Ygrene Energy Fund, Barclays Capital and Lockheed Martin at this ground-breaking workshop, bringing together leading American corporations and leading American cities and counties for the purpose of creating privately financed public/private partnerships focused on building the clean economy all across the country. Click here for more information.

Wednesday Oct. 19, 2011

7:15 -
8 a.m.
Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall (Registration Open at 7am)
8 -
8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Conference Introductions
8:30 -
10 a.m.

General Session: Green Recovery - Get Lean, Get Smart, and Emerge from the Downturn on Top


Keynote by Andrew Winston, Author and Environmental Strategist;

Winston Eco-Strategies LLC


This engaging talk by a globally recognized speaker and green business expert demonstrates the importance of environmental strategy in hard times, and shows you how leading companies can:


  • Get Lean: Amp up your energy and resource efficiency to survive tough times
  • Get Smart: Use environmental data about products and supply chains for competitive advantage
  • Get Creative: Rejuvenate your innovation efforts by asking heretical questions such as "How might we operate with no fossil fuels?"
  • Get Going: Engage and excite employees to solve the company’s, the customer’s, and the world’s environmental challenges


Andrew makes the case that going green will help your company survive today’s travails, thrive as things get better, and emerge from the downturn even stronger.

10 -
10:30 a.m.

Break in Exhibit Hall

Breakout Sessions Track 1:
Foundational EHS Excellence
Track 2:
Defining & Delivering Sustainability
Track 3:
Supply Chain Strategies
Track 4:
21st Century Leadership

10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

(Round 1)

Session 1:

Strategies for Ensuring Enterprise EHS Compliance


This session will provide a look at how three unique companies ensure EHS compliance across their businesses. Speakers will share a big picture look at their efforts and highlight key strategies they use to lead compliance assurance at their organizations. From learning about allocation of resources and budgets, to what the speakers’ management systems look like, attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of how successful companies understand and minimize compliance risk.


Moderator Chair:

  • Chris Tarpey, Senior Consultant; Kestrel Management Services



  • Karen Lynn, Corporate Sustainability Programs Manager, EHS; Eaton Corp.
  • Frank Marino, Corporate EHS Manager; Raytheon Corp.
  • Tony Shea, Senior Manager, Environmental Business; NRG Energy

Session 2:

Sustainability: Defining your Program, Setting the Right Goals



Session 2: Sustainability: Defining your Program, Setting the right Goals

There is no off-the-shelf model that can be used to define sustainability and create programs. Ultimately, a company must adopt its own definition of sustainability, and establish its principles based on its business model and corporate values. Once the sustainability strategy is defined, a company must determine appropriate objectives and targets that align with the strategy. Attendees will learn from varying industries about the process for finding the right sustainability "fit" determining a plan for setting goals and progressing forward.


Moderator Chair:

  • Emily Barton, Corporate EHS Manager; Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.



  • Bruce Klafter, Managing Director, EHS; Applied Materials Inc.
  • Paul Narog, Manager, Environmental Operations; 3M Co.
  • Laura Bradford, Associate Director, Corporate EHS/Sustainability; 3Bristol-Myers Squibb

Session 3:

Tracking Product Content for REACH and RoHS Compliance


Session 3: Tracking Product Content to meet REACH and RoHS Requirements

A varied set of regulatory requirements and the need for large amounts of data from suppliers require companies to put a management system in place to comply with current and emerging product regulations. This session will examine how companies are creating processes and systems to manage and track this critical information. It will also address questions such as, "What does a management system for this process look like?" "How do you determine what to ask your suppliers for?" "Who is responsible for managing the process and where do the resources come from?" and "Are there software tools on the market that effectively support a company’s data management needs? Attendees will leave the session with ideas for advancing their own efforts and with an understanding of the challenges and solutions their peers have implemented.


Moderator Chair:

  • Rob Currie, Director, Environment, Health & Safety; Baxter Healthcare



  • Sulaiman Hamidi, Manager, EHS Global Technical Operations, Allergan Inc.
  • Mike Miller, Global Director of Risk Management & EHS; Apex Tools Group LLC
  • Karen Yeadon, Manager, Environment, Health & Safety; Emerson Process Management, Rosemont Inc.

Session 4:

Engaging Employees fto Realize Your EHS & Sustainability Vision



Session 4: Engaging Employees to Realize Your EHS & Sustainability Vision

Employees can be invaluable ambassadors for your programs, your company and your EHSS efforts. Attend this session and take away strategies and examples for motivating and exciting employees about your EHS&S goals, and using that energy to drive business value. This session will also address ways to reach employees at different levels of the company, from the shopfloor to heads of business divisions, and provide examples of specific messages and tools that are particularly effective for engaging different audiences within the workforce.


Moderator Chair:

  • Kevin Orr, Environmental Manager; Kimberly- Clark Corp.



  • Mark Fowler, Environmental Health and Safety Manager; Invivo
  • Marty Moran, Division Environmental Manager; General Mills Inc.
  • David Zinger, Founder; Employee Engagement Network
12 -
1:30 p.m.
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

1:30 -
3 p.m.

(Round 2)

Session 5: Management of Change: Process, Product, Regulation

The current state of business change is rapid and inevitable. How do EHS managers manage both changes that are driven by EHS and those that require EHS visibility? This session will feature case studies from management of three different types of change and examine how the EHS managers in charge of leading or implementing this change ensure its successful completion.


Moderator Chair:

  • Ted Polakowski, Vice President; Citation Technologies Inc.



  • Gretchen Hancock, Manager, EHS Programs; General Electric Co.
  • Dawn Krueger, Compliance Assurance Manager; 3M Co.
  • Megan Lum, Manager Environmental Operations; Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

Session 6: Beyond traditional EHS Metrics: What Social Metrics are Leading Companies Tracking?

As companies embrace the triple bottom line, many have set very specific and consistent economic and environmental metrics, and are increasingly looking at the third leg of the stool: social metrics. This session will explore what companies are doing in this emerging area. How are they addressing human rights along with traditional H&S metrics? What other social metrics are companies beginning to establish? What are the social metrics that third-party NGOs feel are most important? Are there indicators companies should be tracking that they currently aren’t?


Moderator Chair:

  • Lisa Barnes, Technical Director, Climate Change Services; Bureau Veritas



  • Julie Brautigam, Director, Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability; Baxter Healthcare Corp.
  • Andrew Syed, Manager Environmental & Social Responsibility; Newmont Mining Corp.
  • Peggy Ward, Director Sustainability; Kimberly-Clark Corp.

Session 7: Intellectual Property vs. Transparency: Managing Customer Requests for Sensitive Business Information

How do you manage customer requests for sensitive business information? Often requests for product content encroach on confidential product recipes or restricted business information. Attendees will hear how companies have addressed this conflict and what practices are emerging to address the need to balance transparency with legitimate confidentiality issues. From sharing information about products already on the shelves to responding to customer requests, this session will offer strategies and insights on how to handle this delicate challenge and provide an update on the latest efforts to address this issue in a standardized way.


Moderator Chair:

  • Rose Shaver, LEED-AP, Manager, Client Development; Summit Energy



  • Marian Balster, Director of Environmental Management; Olam Spices & Vegetables Ingredients
  • Stacey Winter, Global Director Environment, Health & Safety; Hewlett-Packard Co.
  • Keith Littlejohns, Americas Account Manager; Carbon Disclosure Project

Session 8: Building the Business Case for EHS and Sustainability Success

This session will focus on ways EHS and sustainability managers can gain support from corporate and financial leaders for EHS&S projects. It will examine both conventional measures along with "soft cost" factors, such as brand reputation, employee morale, turn over and risk mitigation. Attendees will take away an understanding of ROI analysis as well as hear from EHS and Sustainability managers about specific projects they advanced by making a strong business case.


Moderator Chair:

  • Shavonnah Roberts, Marketing Manager, EHS&S; IHS



  • Stephen K. Harvey, Global Environment, Health and Safety Director; Bacardi-Martini Ltd.
  • James Hershauer, Senior Sustainability Scientist; Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University
  • Ken Wengert, Director, Safety and Environmental; Kraft North America
3 -
3:45 p.m.
Break in the Exhibit Hall

3:45 -
5:15 p.m.

(Round 3)

Session 9: Innovating EHS Auditing: New Approaches to Corporate-level EHS Audit Programs

What’s new and different in EHS auditing? How are companies leveraging resources to get the most value from their EHS audit programs? From virtual, risk-based, and integrated audits, this session will examine ways two leading companies are keeping their audit programs fresh and effective. Session speakers will touch on how their auditing programs have evolved over the years and discuss drivers for new approaches they are taking. Attendees will also get a high level summary of recent industry benchmarking of corporate EHS auditing practices.


Moderator Chair:

  • John Nagy, Vice President, EHS Management Consulting Services; AECOM Technology Corp.



  • Tom Finley, EHS Risk Analysis Director; Boeing Co.
  • Majo Thurman, Director, Environment, Health & Safety; Rockwell Automation Inc.

Session 10: Understanding Water Stewardship as a Critical Business Issue

Water has been dubbed by many as the "next carbon". So how does a company understand water resources as a pillar of sustainability? Beyond water reduction programs, how should water fit into corporate sustainability strategy? Attendees in this session will learn what external ratings firms are looking for as well as how two companies are navigating these issues, both in terms of the steps they are taking to develop their programs as well as the lessons learned from a company with a mature water sustainability program in place.


Moderator Chair:

  • Bob Zimmerman, Environmental Project Manager; Campbell Soup Co.



  • Todd Brady, Director, Corporate Environmental; Intel Corp.
  • Julie Frieder, Senior Sustainability Analyst; Calvert Investments
  • Kris Morico, Global Leader; GE Water Programs

Session 11: Leveraging Eco Labels and Product Certifications to Drive Business Value

Green product certifications and labels continue to proliferate but do they really give companies a competitive edge with customers? Which certifications or labels are the best? In addition to these questions, this session will offer insight into the latest changes and enforcement efforts related to the federal trade commission's Green Guidelines and emerging trends EHS&S managers should be aware of in green product labeling.


Moderator Chair:

  • Denise Molzahn, Environmental Engineer; Lockheed Martin Corp.



  • Scot Case, Director, Market Development; UL Environment
  • Christopher Cole, Partner; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
  • Martin H. Wolf, Director, Product Sustainability & Authenticity; Seventh Generation Inc.

Session 12: Developing the Next Generation of EHS Leaders through Strategic Succession Planning

With the profession facing a major talent gap as senior EHS professionals retire, how are companies preparing to ensure they are developing the next generation of EHS and sustainability leaders? What do senior managers need to understand about what motivates and excites those who are just starting out in the field and those that are three to five years in? Succession planning is a critical undertaking for ensuring a sustainable EHS& S program. Attendees will learn about specific tools for developing their team and learn how different companies are preparing for this challenge.


Moderator Chair:

  • Mark Burriss, Director, Global EHS; Tyco Thermal Controls



  • Clifford Bast, Former Corporate Director, Environmental Sustainability; Flextronics International
  • Mark Coleman, Senior Program Manager; Golisano Institute for Sustainability, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Stacey Winter, Global Director Environment, Health & Safety; Hewlett-Packard Co.
5:30 -
7 p.m
Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall

Thursday Oct. 20, 2011

7:30 -
8:15 a.m.

Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall (Registration Open at 7am)

8:15 -
8:30 a.m.
Day 2 Opening Remarks
8:30 -
10 a.m.

General Session: Global Economic, Technology and Resource Trends impacting Corporate Sustainability


New technologies and resource scarcity have become two key drivers of global economic changes and a catalystfor new product and service innovations. Attend this session and listen as leading economic forecasterJason Schenker creates a vivid context for the global economic trends that are impacting business and driving sustainability. Then listen as resource planner andbusiness strategistHoward Brown shares examples of how leading companies areapplying dMASS principles to reduce product mass while still delivering the same or more value to their customers, and offers a compelling case for why companies are rethinking the way they design products and measure performance. Round out the session with the learnings of a senior sustainability leader from one of the country’s most innovative companies, as they discuss how these global economic, technology and recourse trends are impacting their business, shaping their sustainability efforts and influencing new product lines and services. Leave the panel with a clear understanding of why sustainability must be a core business strategy for successful companies!


Keynotes Panelists include:


10 -
11 p.m.
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Breakout Sessions Track 1:
Foundational EHS Excellence
Track 2:
Defining & Delivering Sustainability
Track 3:
Supply Chain Strategies
Track 4:
21st Century Leadership

11 a.m. -
12:30 p.m.

(Round 4)

Session 13: Integrating EHS Management systems into the business

Effective EHS management hinges on how well it is integrated into broader business systems. So what does an effective EHS management system look like? What are the milestones and hurtles you must overcome to integrate EHS at a company and how do you measure your progress? This session will give attendees a look at three distinct integration efforts and reveal the benefits these efforts have yielded for their EHS function and their business.


Moderator Chair:

  • Maribel Crespin, Environmental Engineer; MillerCoors



  • Brian Burnikel, EHS Manager; Boeing Co.
  • Jeff Campbell, Director of Manufacturing; AMCOL International Corp.
  • Michael Haro, Manager, Environmental Resources; Lockheed Martin Corp.

Session 14: Making it to the top of the List: Can you "manage" your sustainability ranking among third party analysts?

EHS&S managers receive about 40 external information requests a year for sustainability and EHS performance information. Many of these surveys are used to inform corporate rating lists, others are used by socially responsible investment fund managers to make decisions about what stocks to buy. As an EHS&S manager tasked with responding, what do you need to know to ensure that your business is presented in the best, and most accurate way to investors, customers and the public? Attendees will hear tips from both companies and third-party analysts for how to get the good rating companies deserve.


Moderator Chair:

  • Annette Russo, Manager, Communications, Training - Worldwide EHS; Johnson & Johnson



  • Tish Lascelle, Senior Director, EHS; Johnson & Johnson
  • Cary Krosinsky, Senior Vice President; TruCost
  • Richard Crespin, Executive Director; Corporate Responsibility Officers Association

Session 15: Supplier Capacity Building

Beyond basic EHS supplier audits, how are companies engaging their key suppliers and collaborating with them on EHS&S improvements, from material reduction to improved H&S practices? This session will feature examples of how companies are now conducting supplier trainings and other such ‘beyond audit' collaborative approaches and offer insights into the value this is delivering back to the business.


Moderator Chair:

  • Dick Pastor, Vice President; Shaw Environmental



  • Jim Lime, Vice President, EHS; ConAgra Foods Inc.
  • Mariam Georgaroudakis, SCM Commodity Manager; Raytheon Co.

Session 16: Stakeholder Engagement Tools & Techniques

EHS and sustainability managers must increasingly engage with a range of external stakeholders from members of the community to social and environmental activists. This session will offer insight from EHS & sustainability leaders who've engaged with external stakeholders and emerged with stronger relationships, ideas for business improvements and in some cases, new supporters. Speakers will share information on how they facilitate stakeholder engagement, including the tools they used, as well as the lessons they learned from the process about what worked and what mistakes to avoid.


Moderator Chair:


  • Larry Deeney, Director of Environmental Sustainability; General Mills Inc.



  • Dana Cooper, Director of Product Development and Business Excellence; Fairmount Minerals
  • Mike Lloyd, Director, Global Environmental Services; Kimberly-Clark Corp.
  • Sandy Nessing, Managing Director, Sustainability & ESH Strategy; American Electric Power Co. Inc.
12:30 -
1:45 p.m.

Exhibitor Luncheon and Keynote Presentation: From Dirt to Shirt in 750 Miles: A look at how one innovative apparel company transformed its supply chain and what they learned along the way


Keynote by: Eric Henry, President and Co-Owner; TS Designs


President and Co-Owner of TS Designs, Eric Henry will share a bit of his personal and professional sustainability journey to-date. From the co-owner of a very conventional t-shirt printing company to leading a brand that's promising "Dirt-to-Shirt in 750 miles", he has seen firsthand the impacts a global economy has had on corporate supply chains, and especially how it has affected his business.


Along this journey, Eric has become a passionate leader in his community and is focused on reconnecting people locally while recognizing the truly global world in which we now live. Eric will share insights from his experience leading his business through this global economic shift and share some of the thinking and strategies that kept his business profitable while remaining committed to sustainability and his local community. This session will challenge you to think differently as business leaders and as citizens.


1:45 -
3:15 p.m.

(Round 5)

Session 17: Tips and Strategies for Managing EHS Risk Through Mergers & Acquisitions

This session will examine best practices and strategies for integrating an EHS process, system, and culture after an acquisition. It will touch on issues including due diligence, property risks and assessing compliance levels of a new company. Attendees will take away an understanding of common pitfalls to avoid and lessons learned from two companies that have recently gone through the process.


Moderator Chair:

  • Chris England, Manager, ESH; ITT Corp.



  • Bob Genau, SHE Manager, M&A Processes, DuPont SHE and Sustainable Growth Center
  • Scott Lawson, Director, ESH; ITT Defense
  • Benjamin White, Regional Manager, ESH & Security; ITT Water & Waste Water

Session 18: Energy Management Best Practices: Short Term Wins and Long Term Investments

This session will feature a look at different corporate approaches to energy reduction strategies. From short-term wins to longer-term investments like on-site renewable and demand load management, attendees will hear how leading companies are driving energy reductions and how those reductions are in turn driving business value.


Moderator Chair:

  • Ana Fernandez, Director, Environmental Programs; U.S. Foodservice



  • John Jepsen, Director of Energy Management; U.S. Foodservice
  • Todd Taylor, Director of Design; Darden Restaurants Inc.
  • Bill Tokash, Sustainability Director; Invensys plc

Session 19: Life Cycle Assessments: Maximizing Business Value

Life cycle assessments (LCAs) illuminate complex supply chains, cradle-to-cradle impacts, and are powerful tools for learning more about a company's products. And the better the process for the LCA, the greater the benefits. This session will teach attendees how leading companies are maximizing the business value of their LCAs - including improved sourcing, sharper marketing messages, and creating engaging stories for customers. This interactive session will include B2B and consumer-facing perspectives and address how companies can manage LCAs from a product design and development perspective.


Moderator Chair:

  • Steve Walker, Manager, Environmental Sustainability Burt's Bees



  • Johanna Jobin, Sustainability Programs Manager; EMD Millipore
  • Tetsuya O' Hara, Director of Advanced Research and Development; Patagonia Inc.
  • Martin H. Wolf, Director, Product Sustainability & Authenticity; Seventh Generation Inc.

Session 20: EHS Skills Roadmap: What Skills and Attributes Make an EHS Leader?

Because EHS is such a broad field with many paths to the top it can be hard to know which skills and attributes a new EHS professional should strive to acquire and what their development options looks like. Attendees of this session will learn about the new opportunities and jobs in this broad field and hear about different career paths one can take as they develop in the profession. Additionally, this session will address the role and value of professional certifications in the field.


Moderator Chair:

  • Steve Huntzinger, Director EHS North America; Cephalon Inc.



  • Mark Burriss, Director, Global EHS; Tyco Thermal Controls
  • Philip Harber, MD, MPH, Professor Emeritus; University of California, Los Angeles
  • Allen Stegman, General Director, Environmental and Hazardous Materials; BNSF Railway Co.
3:15 -
3:45 p.m.
Afternoon Break
3:45 -
5:15 (Round 6)

Session 21: Effective Training Strategies for EHS Compliance

EHS compliance must be communicated and understood by all employees. Find out how different companies manage their training programs and see examples of the tools they use to manage these programs, including learning management systems, and employing external experts. The session will examine how these companies are overcoming challenges, including training staff and employees across different time zones, cultures and languages.


Moderator Chair:

  • Paul Orlowski, Environmental Health and Safety Manager; Cardinal Solar Technologies



  • Tim Haney, Regional EHS Manager, Apex Tool Group
  • Joe Jansen, Vice President Environmental, Health and Safety, Covidien Inc.
  • Judy Wilson, Chief of the Division of Environmental & Cultural Resources Management; Bureau of Indian Affairs

Session 22: Standardizing Sustainability Metrics and Performance Evaluation: What Does the Future Look Like?

It might be odd to hear someone say that we are only in the dawn of the corporate sustainability movement, but it appears to be true, based in part, on the incredible variety and sheer number of sustainability standards, metrics and rankings affecting global corporations. As an increasing number of stakeholder groups take an interest in shaping this movement and its outcomes, it is natural to ask, who is and who will be setting the performance and measurement standards? Will it be corporations, investors, customers, or NGOs? This session will explore perspectives and predictions of some of the early and most influential stakeholders. Attendees can expect to leave with a sense of how sustainability standards will evolve and how they can position their company to stay ahead of the curve for the next five, 10 or 20 years.


Moderator Chair:

  • Michelle Redfield, Director, Environment and Process Improvement; Schneider Electric SA



  • Michael Muyot, President; CRD Analytics
  • Ed Rogers, UPS Corporate Strategy Group
  • Mike Wallace, Director; Global Reporting Initiative

Session 23: Emerging Supply Chain Issue: Conflict Minerals

In July of 2010 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passed the Conflict Minerals Law as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. This rule contains new reporting and disclosure requirements for materials contained in products, as well as due diligence, audit and certification requirements. What does this law mean for companies? Attendees will learn about the potential impacts this law will have on industry and how EHS managers are ensuring compliance with it.


Moderator Chair:

  • Mark Williams, Manager of Environmental Services; American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc.



  • Gary Niekerk, Director, Global Citizenship; Intel Corp.
  • Monique Oxender, Global Manager, Supply Chain Sustainability; Ford Motor Co.
  • Andrew O'Donovan, General Manager; Cabot Corp.

Session 24: Organizational Culture: Achieving World Class Performance One Employee at a Time

Many agree tapping an environmental, health and safety "culture" is the path to achieving world class, sustainable performance. But is EHS culture any more than just a subset of the overall organizational culture? And how can EHS Professionals engage employees and their leaders to drive organizational culture change for improved EHS performance? This session will answer these thought-provoking questions, demonstrating how leading companies in their respective industries are engaging employees to build a stronger organizational culture and ultimately achieve world class EHS performance. Speakers will share practical examples of programs that you can apply within your business.


Moderator Chair:

  • Chris Milici, Director, Global EHS & Security; John Crane Inc.



  • Loren Bowe, Global Director, EHS; Smiths Group
  • David Newman, Head of EHS and Sustainability; EMD Millipore
  • Verne Shortell, Executive Director, Environmental Business; NRG Energy

6 -
10 p.m

Thursday Evening Networking Event: The Savoy Opera House

Bus transportation will be provided from the hotel beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets are $75 and may be purchased at the time of registration.


A night out with your colleagues: Networking event at The Savoy Opera House

Savoy opera house front view

You are invited to join your colleagues on Thurs., October 20 for a night of live music, dinner, drinks and dancing at one of Tucson's most memorable venues - The Savoy Opera House. Don't forget to sign-up for the Thursday Evening Event when you register. You won't want to miss this night out with your peers!

Discover the latest products and solutions: The Exhibit Hall

Featuring more than 50 leading EHS consultants andservice providers, the Exhibit Hall is also the primary venue for networkingwith over your peers. This is an unparalleled opportunity to meet vendors with a strong history of excellent products and services in support of NAEM member companies.

Interested in Speaking?


Are you an EHS or sustainability leader with a case study to share? Contact Virginia Hoekenga, NAEM Deputy Director at (202) 986-6616 to learn about speaking opportunities.

About NAEM

The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces, and promote global sustainability. As the largest professional community for EHS and sustainability decision-makers, we provide peer-led educational conferences and an active network for sharing solutions to today's corporate EHS and sustainability management challenges. Visit NAEM online at www.naem.org.

Copyright © 2009-2011 NAEM. All Rights Reserved.

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1612 K Street, NW Suite 1002

Washington, DC 20006

Phone: (202) 986-6616 or 1-800-391-NAEM
