Anne Jackson, Principal, Environmental Policy, Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
Anne Jackson is a Principal in the Department of Environmental Policy for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Anne currently leads the company&s Drought Task Force. Convened in 2014, this cross-functional Task Force identifies drought impacts on Pacific Gas & Electric's operations, customers and communities, while coordinating and communicating Pacific Gas & Electric's response efforts.
Anne&'s overall responsibilities include collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders regarding state and federal water policy, legislation, as well as emerging regulation, and partnering with critical environmental non-profit organizations. She also led the development of the company&'s employee environmental leadership awards program, as well as the company-wide employee environmental leadership training program.
Prior to joining the Department of Environmental Policy, Anne managed Diablo Canyon Power Plant's marine biological studies and water permitting programs. She attended both the California State University at Sacramento and the University of San Francisco.
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