2020 NAEM EHS and Sustainability Management Forum

Stephen R. Covey, Author; Speed of Trust

Stephen R. Covey, Author; Speed of Trust

The SPEED of TRUST teaches participants pragmatic, practical, and actionable skills they can implement immediately regardless of their role in the organization. Using the learnings from The SPEED of TRUST®, this highly interactive workshop engages leaders at all levels in the real work of identifying and closing the trust gaps that exist in many organizations. Instead of continuing to pay an outrageous trust tax™, they can begin to realize the great benefits of a trust dividend both personally and organizationally.


This creates an opportunity for individuals to prepare themselves to fill the leadership shortage and provides a proven process for companies to increase the bench strength of their organization by developing critical leadership skills in their key people. The SPEED of TRUST® dramatically enhances leadership capability by teaching The 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders and how to imbed them into their daily interactions.



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