Structure Your MIS for Success
Designed for both existing EHS MIS users as well as those who are in the market for a new software system, the 2016 EHS and Sustainability Software and Data Management Conference program will offer valuable information for anyone who touches or analyses company data.
Through a mix of live user-led demonstrations, corporate case-studies and topical discussion sessions, the program will showcase how peer users are leveraging their systems to meet changing demands and ensure organizational compliance.
We understand that software systems are a large investment in time, money and energy, so this conference is intended to give you the confidence you need in your data management strategy and software choices. Attend this conference to benchmark your MIS structure and capabilities, assess your software needs, identify your priorities, and understand your options.
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Join EHS Leaders
Feb. 2016
See what these EHS leaders have to say about how their data management programs
Registration Open
Oct. 2015
Register Now to reserve your seat for this focused data management benchmarking experience.