3 Tracks to Meet All Users' Needs
The program designed to meet the needs of software buyers, data optimizers and those wanting to leverage their current system.
With specialized tracks for EHS teams who are going through the software selection and implementation process and those looking to optimize the use of their current system, NAEM's 2018 Software and Data Management provides tools and benchmarking for wherever you are in your software journey.
Mitigating Risk with Effective Compliance Management |
Implementation and User Engagement |
Leveraging Data for Improved Safety Performance |
Attend sessions in this track if you are interested in how technologies, management systems and standardized processes impact a successful compliance program. Attendees will be shown effective strategies and tools to use when faced with a compliance challenge or obstacle. Topics such as product stewardship, risk management and mandatory reporting will be addressed in the sessions under this track. | When implementing a new software there is so much focus on the mechanics and functionality of the software, that other success factors are not prioritized. Attend this track to avoid common and uncommon pitfalls when either implementing or utilizing EHS&S software. Tips and tricks of implementation beyond the software will be addressed in this track as well as how users interact with data and technologies. | We use technology in every aspect of our life, so why not use it to make sure our employees and colleagues are safer? This track will have sessions focused on technologies and management processes that lead to a strong safety culture and improved safety performance. Specific aspects of safety such as distracted driving, high hazard materials and effective training will be addressed. |
Monday, March 5, 2018
1:35 - 3:15 p.m. |
How to Select the Right Technology to Achieve EHS Excellence Purchasing a new software system is similar to buying a house – you don’t do it often. Therefore, having clear expectations and getting tips from experts will increase the chances of a positive ROI and being happy with your purchase. Following proven best practices and processes while selecting software can reduce the chance of failure and undesired costs. In this session, you will be trained on requirements identification/prioritization, gap assessment, understanding total cost of ownership, making the business case, creating a roadmap and then evaluating vendors and negotiating with them.
3:15 - 3:45 p.m. | Break |
3:45 - 5:25 p.m. |
How to Promote User Engagement Throughout the Implementation Process After you have reviewed multiple products and selected the best software for your needs, you think your job is done, right? Getting users to embrace the new system is the key to a successful implementation. In this session, you will learn how to involve users in the process, how to communicate effectively and how to overcome the roadblocks along the way.
5:25 p.m. | Closing Remarks
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. | Workshop Happy Hour
Sponsored by Earthsoft Inc. and Red-on-line
4:30 - 7:00 p.m. | Registration |
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
8:00 a.m. |
Registration and Breakfast |
8:45 – |
Official Welcome and Introductions
9:00 – |
Opening Keynote: Using Technology to Save Time, Save Lives and Improve EHS Outcomes In the next five years, technology is poised to transform the EHS profession as we know it. From drones to wearable devices to mobile technology that enhances auditing efforts, the future of EHS will increasingly rely on technology solutions. Our speakers will share how they're using the latest technologies within their programs and how these innovations are changing what it means to be an EHS&S professional.
Moderator: Margery Moore; Moore and Gasperecz Global - Bio |
10:00 – |
Break |
Track: Mitigating Risk with Effective Compliance Management |
Track: Implementation and User Engagement |
Track: Leveraging Data for Improved Safety Performance |
10:45 – |
The Challenges and Successes in Migrating Data Management Systems
Migrating a database management system that is primarily used to show compliance can be challenging. Especially when the goal is to improve workflow efficiency and expand reporting. This session will showcase lessons learned in migrating data management systems during an active reporting production cycle and how being proactive in the migration process can lead to a higher success rate.
How a New Software System Can Change the EHS&S Function
Before its recent upgrade, International Paper (IP)relied on an aging, in-house incident management system that was highly customized, costly to maintain and suffered from poor usage. To complicate their data management further, the company also had more than one EHS MIS to serve different divisions and locations. To consolidate their efforts and gain greater insight into their performance, they turned to VelocityEHS. Since implementing this software, the company now uses mobile functionality for incident reporting and inspections, enjoys customized dashboards, easily creates reports and quickly submits OSHA requirements electronically. Join this session to see this software first-hand and hear how IP uses it to enhance their EHS&S programs.
How a Growing Company Centralized Systems Through Mobile Technology
From a business perspective, Wawa had a problem many leaders would envy: It was going through a rapid expansion, adding an average of 50 new stores a year. For the EHS team, however, it quickly became a resource and data management challenge. Add multiple vendors and contractors into the mix and the Wawa team knew they needed to create a consistent, centralized data collection and reporting system. That's when they turned to Apex's ARTEMIS software. Come hear how the Wawa team now uses a mobile front-end for consistent data collection and maintains a centralized cloud interface for reporting and management.
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Lunch and Exhibit Hall |
1:00 - |
The Challenge of Global Product Compliance: Driving Value - Reducing Risk
Global companies face increasing product compliance challenges from every angle. The charge to reduce risk while driving shareholder value has never been more complex. In this session Verisk 3E will showcase current product compliance challenges and downward pressures on global organizations. Participants will learn about trends and movements in a variety of industries and will participate in a group break-out activity. Participants will also learn how to nurture a culture of proactive product compliance in order to drive increased corporate value while reducing overall exposure.
What Matters Most: People, Process or Technology?
Software can unlock exciting new gains in EHS&S performance, but choosing an effective solution can feel like a gauntlet of choices. Achieving a successful outcome is not just about prioritizing the right requirements, however. You also need to manage internal expectations about what this new investment can achieve, and rally your team around its use. During this session Boeing will describe the internal challenges of replacing hundreds of systems with a single software solution. We'll talk about the role of internal culture in software selection, and how to be mindful of the importance of people and process along the way.
How Johnson Controls Streamlined Global EHS Programs
Johnson Controls has over 3,200 sites throughout 74 countries, so standardizing processes to keep a strong compliance program was challenging. To meet the goal of implementing global standardized processes, Johnson Controls turned to ProcessMAP. This partnership helped Johnson Controls maintain a consistent global incident management process, improve overall safety performance and streamline sustainability reporting. Come to this session to hear how Johnson Control’s successfully converted siloed EHS functions into an integrated global program.
2:15 - |
Using Software to Create an Award-Winning Compliance Program
Thanks to its success in protecting its employees and the environment, Tremco was recently awarded the Award for Excellence by the Ohio Chemical Technology Council. A key component of their success, the company says, was the implementation of Dakota Software's ProActivity Suite TM, which they used to standardize policies and procedures, improve incident communication, increase visibility into EHS compliance status and provide real time metrics. Thanks to this software, the company has a platform to align EHS resources and a central point for reporting and analysis across the country and across the globe. Come see a first-hand look at this software and how Tremco has used this system to make continuous compliance advances.
How to Sustain the Value of your EHS Software Investment
Congratulations! You've successfully vetted software providers, completed your due diligence, and are now ready to dig into the task of implementing your EHS&S software. How can you use this to achieve tangible results? In this presentation, you'll get tips on how to u quickly get value from your software solution and how to avoid common pitfalls often associated with the implementation process. We'll also share advice on how to maintain your system so that it continues to evolve to achieve your long term business goals.
Improving Driver Safety with Ecolab
Distracted driving is a national issue that impacts corporations' safety performance. Ecolab delivers comprehensive solutions and on-site services in more than 170 countries around the world. And with more than 1 million customer locations, having safe driving measures is a key to their success. Working with the Intelex Data Science team, Ecolab embarked on a journey to validate which leading indicators truly contributed to high safety performance and demonstrated a strong culture of safety at sites across their organization. During this presentation, Ecolab will showcase how the organization has leveraged the Intelex platform to measure the effectiveness of their driver safety programs and identify prescriptive insights to drive positive change for nearly 25,000 drivers worldwide.
3:15 - |
Break |
4:00 - |
How EHS Software Systems Mitigate the Risks Associated with Staff Transitions
All EHS organizations must deal with staff change and turnover. This change presents a serious risk that EHS compliance requirements are lost or missed when staff transitions occur. Bring your own experiences with staff turnover and crowd-source solutions among your peers in this Hack-A-Thon style session. The facilitators will summarize the discussion and then share case studies to show how EHS software, in concert with management systems or site procedures, can greatly reduce this risk and facilitate faster and more complete transition of compliance activities to new personnel.
Managing Workplace Ergonomics in Manufacturing Environments
Prioritizing ergonomics for manufacturing plants is becoming more and more important. Investing in software to leverage ergonomics became a priority and a goal for Jack Link's Protein Snack. They selected the Humantech Software and since implementation, it has been initiated at seven U.S. manufacturing sites, enabling the company to share solutions to workplace challenges across locations and develop an ergonomics standard. The company has seen significant improvements in training progress, workplace assessments, job improvements, and risk reduction. Employees have completed e-learning modules, increased logged job assessments, and identified over 500 improvements. Come see firsthand how Jack Link's Protein Snacks has experienced success since implementing this ergonomics software.
The Management of High Hazard Operations at Global Facilities
Manufacturing sites that manage high hazard materials and operations are at a higher risk for a major industrial accident. This risk increases if there are multiple sites, in different countries that are prescribing to different regulatory frameworks. This session will provide context to the challenges that multi-national companies face when implementing measures to prevent major industrial accidents at high-hazard facilities. It will focus on tools to that use relevant data points to collect in a management system, what data and how data should be shared corporate-wide and how can risk assessment tools be used as a means of prevention of major industrial accidents and improve safety performance.
5:00 - |
Networking Reception in Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by thinkstep AG
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
8:00 a.m. |
Networking Breakfast in Exhibit Hall |
8:45 – |
Morning Announcements
8:50 – |
Benchmarking Your Approach to Data Management Whether you're still using Excel or just implemented an enterprise solution, there's always room to evolve your data management practices. Come join this interactive benchmarking session to benchmark how your company's approach compares to that of your peers, to discuss the metrics you use to drive business results and to find out how soon your peers plan to take the next big leap in data analytics. NAEM will also share a few highlights from its latest publication “How to Successfully Deploy an EHS&S Software System". Note: This session will feature a live poll. To participate in the live polling, please text naembenchmark to 22333 OR visit www.pollev.com/naembenchmark during the session.
9:30 – |
Break |
Track: Mitigating Risk with Effective Compliance Management |
Track: Implementation and User Engagement |
Track: Leveraging Data for Improved Safety Performance |
10:00 – |
Leveraging Big Data for More Proactive Compliance Programs at Walmart
On the path to becoming a world-class compliance organization, Walmart has learned how to turn big data into a big environmental asset. For proof you needn't look any further than the company's stormwater operations compliance program. During this presentation, you will learn how the retail giant uses EHS software to implement and maintain its stormwater operations program that is now responsible for the preventative maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of over 4,000 unique stormwater systems across the country.
How to Use EHS&S Analytics to Achieve Bottom Line Results
Advances in data management and analytics have generated compelling value in business areas like finance, marketing and logistics. While leading companies have earned significant returns on IT investments in these areas, many have overlooked the benefits of advanced data management and analytics for environmental, health, safety and sustainability (EHSS) management. Data and analytics are an integral part of leading EHSS management programs and can contribute to reductions in incidents and operational overhead that directly impact the bottom line, improve employee morale and strengthen the reputation of the business.
MOC and PSSR Process Automation: Best Practices
Management of Change (MOC) and Pre Start-up Safety Review (PSSR) are some of the most challenging elements of standards set by OSHA, EPA and the US Department of Interior. This presentation discusses how certain industries have defined the MOC and PSSR best management practices and how they should be automated. In addition, it will explore better defined evaluation processes, leading and lagging indicators and the impact of predictive technologies.
11:15 a.m. - |
How Self-Made Mobile Applications Led to Effective Reporting
San Jose Water Company (SJWC) is a major water utility operating in California and is subject to a wide range of complex and time sensitive regulatory requirements for every aspect of operations. Recordkeeping and reporting are major aspects of SJWC's diverse compliance programs. Instead of continuing to rely on paper logs and Excel spreadsheets, SJWC employed Locus Platform for its customer configurable format (LP-X). In this session, SJWC will demonstrate their self-made applications, how compliance forms were designed and how the system can be enabled for mobile users. SJWC will also walk through the system's Workflows and discuss plans to expand the system's use to other areas of SJWC Operations.
How Modern Technologies Can Reveal What Lies Beneath Your Data
EHS&S leaders need their data to deliver insights they can use to see patterns and make decisions. The emergence of ‘Big Data' holds enormous promise to has made large volumes of data available to these companies. It's not the data volume or velocity that drives sustainable success, but it's the knowledge of the relationships in your data. Leveraging modern technologies and graph concepts are ideal to drive change and innovation into nowadays complex environments. This session will highlight the importance of understanding and modeling the complexities of enterprise entities and their relationships to the data. It will show attendees that the available data can be turned into a real power house by accessing and revealing the relations within.
How Merck Increased the Accuracy of their Data Collection
One of the many challenges that EHS professionals face is making sure that the data they are collecting is thorough and accurate. When Merck noticed that the data they were collecting surrounding staff and site efficiencies was not up to par, they developed a process to fix the problem. During this session you'll hear how they changed their procedure and documentation across sites to ensure they had the right metrics every time.
12:15 - |
Lunch and Exhibit hall |
1:15 p.m. |
Closing Remarks/ Conference Adjourns |
1:30 - |
One-on-One Vendor Demo Appointments* As an added bonus to this year’s conference agenda, we are offering a limited amount of private, 45-minute one-on-one vendor appointments with our Terabyte sponsors to all in-house EHS professionals attending the conference. NAEM will facilitate these appointments where you can take a deeper dive and get a customized experience with the software that our Terabyte sponsors offer. If you are attending the conference and this opportunity interests you, please fill out this brief form: https://survey.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bezHA49TGW4G6wt
*Software vendors in attendance will be by invitation only.
About NAEM

The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces, and promote global sustainability. As the largest professional community for EHS and sustainability decision-makers, we provide peer-led educational conferences and an active network for sharing solutions to today's corporate EHS and sustainability management challenges. Visit NAEM online at www.naem.org.