Craig Schwartz, President; Aarcher Consulting
Craig Schwartz is the founder and president of Aarcher Consulting, a national environmental, health, and safety firm specializing in compliance auditing and sustainability consulting. He is a certified hazardous materials manager (CHMM) and certified professional environmental auditor (CPEA) with 30 years of experience building compliance audit programs and leading compliance audits of facilities across the United States. As instructor for the Aarcher Institute, Mr. Schwartz has presented environmental compliance training to thousands of attendees on a variety of topics, including the environmental compliance audit process. He has been approved by the Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, and several states to perform third-party audit programs, including virtual audits. Mr. Schwartz has worked closely with Trident Seafoods for more than 5 years, supporting the development of an internal compliance audit program and leading both in-person and virtual audits for Trident shorebased facilities and vessels.