The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, which acts as an advisor to the NAEM Executive Director. The Board, through the Board's Executive Committee, has oversight for the operations of the Association and has the responsibility to set the overall policy and direction of the association. Additionally, the Board assists the NAEM Executive Director by establishing goals and objectives for the organization.
The Executive Committee is elected every two years. On the alternate year, individuals are elected to the Board of Directors. The Board's actions are supported by the creation and output of ad hoc committees. Currently, the Board has several ad hoc committees; they are: Audit, Benchmarking, Education & Programming, Fact, Governance and Strategic Planning.
Additionally, several committees that are led by Board members guide the Association's programming. Participation in these committees is open to all NAEM members. Individual NAEM members can participate in any of the general membership committees, such as our annual EHS conference the Forum, and our peer-to-peer environmental workshops.
Board Committees:
Audit Committee
The purpose of this committee is to provide oversight of the financial reporting process, strategic financial issues, selection of the independent auditor, and receipt of audit results. Individuals with experience in financial oversight, financial background, and managing budgets are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Open
Benchmarking Committee
The purpose of this committee is to support the benchmarking program for our sponsor-level organizations. Individuals with experience in specific content issues and analysis are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Rick Taylor, Parker Hannifin
Fact Committee
The purpose of this committee is to obtain information from our members in order to develop a profile of our members, professional educational needs, and to better understand their management issues and challenges. Individuals with experience in market research, issue identification, and analysis are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Frank Brandauer, Avery Dennison
This committee is responsible for financial oversight, accountability and the Association's annual budget. Individuals with experience in finance and accounting are encouraged to participate in this committee.
Chair – Gisella Spreizer, Shaw
Governance Committee
This committee was approved by the Executive Committee in March 2006 and initiated at the May 2006 Board of Directors meeting. The proposed focus is to review and evaluate the governance structure of NAEM. With the continued growth of the organization, NAEM is reviewing and preparing for the future. Individuals with experience serving on board level of non-profits and associations are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Michael McGuire, Deere & Company
Strategic Planning Committee
The purpose of this committee is to create the Association's three (3) year strategic plan as well as to review and update annually to monitor relevance of strategies and goals. Individuals with experience or interest in developing organizational, strategic and tactical objectives and outcome metrics are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Leslie Montgomery
General Membership Committees:
The purpose of this committee is to provide support to help define the overall program content, overall program session objectives, and to identify and obtain appropriate speakers. The committee also reviews the Forum feedback to advise the incoming Forum committee. Individuals who are interested in influencing the Forum program are encouraged to participate.
Ana Fernandez, US Foodservice
Barbara Lemos, Earth Tech
The purpose of this committee is to designate and establish vehicles for the promotion of the organization, established programs and product offerings to members and the broader EHS community. Individuals who are interested in helping the association grow internally and externally are encouraged to participate.
Chair – TBD
The purpose of this committee is to expand the membership of NAEM and to help promote sustainable growth of the organization. The committee will ensure that membership development activities are aligned with the NAEM Strategic Plan and the Governance Committee recommendations. Individuals with experience in market research, issue identification, and analysis are encouraged to participate.
Chair – Emily Barton, Motorola, Inc
Programs & Education Committee
The purpose of this committee is to create and develop content as well as to identify potential case studies and solicit relevant speakers for programs. Individuals interested in the specific EHS management issues or general program content are encouraged to participate.
Chair - Pat Perry, Target
The purpose of this committee is to support the Program Manager to identify the learning objectives and workshop agenda, as well as help identify and invite the appropriate speakers to meet the event's stated objectives.
Chair - Selected per Workshop