NAEM would like to thank you once again for your participation in Member Appreciation Week! We hope you enjoyed the week’s activities and wish you a productive and successful year.

Please enjoy this final installment of NAEM’s "Get to Know your Leadership."


NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
In one word: Vancouver.  I brought my wife and son to the NAEM forum the year we held it in Vancouver.  Everyone in NAEM was so welcoming and friendly to them, it made me proud to be a member. The conference and location were spectacular.

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS?
I can go home at night knowing that I am contributing to an effort to leave a decent world for future generations.

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career? 
It’s not linear.  There are unexpected twists and turns, successes and failures.  Sometimes you get what you deserve and sometimes you don’t. But, if you do your best and act professionally day in and day out, you will ultimately achieve your goals and you will succeed.

4. What is your favorite green resource? 
High Country News, “For People Who Care About the West.”  It’s a small publication with a big impact. Quality journalism and essays about environmental issues in The West.

NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
In general, whether it’s at the board meeting or Forum, the camraderie that NAEM brings. I think I have learned more outside the rooms between meetings than in the rooms.

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS?
With my company, it’s the idea that they want us to be leaders, get us actively involved, and share with others. They want us to be on the cutting edge of environmental issues because it’s constantly changing. Everyone says that they’re the “best”, but we use NAEM to benchmark with other world-class companies to confirm that we truly are the best.

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career?
The importance of being a good speaker and my presentation skills.

4. What is your favorite green resource?
The benchmarking that we do at NAEM.


NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
Since I'm relatively new to the organization, I don't have a single favorite memory or experience, but rather every experience I have had with NAEM has been positive

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS?
The ability to demonstrate the value of EHS to our business leaders and for these leaders to integrate EHS into the way they run the business.

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career?
That the shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line.

4. What is your favorite green resource?
NAEM!  And, that’s why I’m proud to be a member of its Board.

NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
The board meeting in Nantucket is my favorite NAEM memory--walking around town, hearing about the history of the buildings and later stopping in a local pub for a beer with friends from the board--can’t beat it!

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS? 
The opportunity to prevent harm—to reduce the risk of something bad happening

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career? 
That I didn’t need to be so afraid of speaking up

4. What is your favorite green resource?

NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
My first NAEM conference in Savannah.  It was amazing to see the diverse companies and experiences and to hear from colleagues.  It felt great to realize that my problems were not unique and that NAEM was a great resource of information.  

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS?
Doing well by doing well.  Helping to reduce the impact of our efforts on the environment and sharing ideas with other companies.

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career?
The value and benefits from working in a career in the environmental field.

4. What is your favorite green resource?
My colleagues in NAEM, as they are the best source of information on what works vs. theories or sales pitches from vendors.

NAEM Board Member-at-Large

1. What is your favorite NAEM memory/ experience?
Going to the microbrewery in Montreal several years back.  It was one of my first Forums and I met so many great new professional contacts that year. The event included a scenic drive into the "country" on a charter bus, and a warm and toasty place when we got inside, with 100 of my closest friends.

2. What do you find most rewarding about working in EHS?
The evolution of the profession over the last 20 to 25 years.  Sustainability issues have come to the forefront and now seem to be taking a more permanent hold, so that concerns about environmental impacts are integrated into business objectives.  When I started out, EHS was strictly a technical and regulatory function that now has become much broader in its implications and opportunities for career growth.

3. What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your career?
Everything I know now!

4. What is your favorite green resource?
I recently discovered the website which was developed as an independent source of research and information on food and other consumer products.