Membership Profile
NAEM undertook its first full membership survey in 2003.
The effort resulted in a statistically viable survey. 245
individuals completed all, or a portion of the survey;
this represented more than one-third of the total membership
and almost one-half of the available emails at the time.
The following is a summary of the survey results.
NAEM Member Profile
- The vast majority of members are from industry that produces a product (72%) and whose companies have US as
well as international facilities (76%).
- NAEM is composed
mostly - 61% - of large employee companies (5000+),
but there also are a significant number - 14%
- of small employee companies (<500) represented in
the membership.
- The most
common NAEM member is a Manager-level male, between
the ages of 41-50 with 65% having more than
16 years of experience. And, the majority of members
were educated and trained in the EHS field, and hold
a Master’s degree (51%).

- The largest grouping
(43%) of companies has $1-10B in revenue; the second
largest grouping (28%) has
more than $10B.

- Respondents were evenly split across
the board on the perceived brand name profile of their
High - 40%, Medium - 30%, Low - 29%. However,
54% of respondents believe their organization has a
medium EHS risk profile.
Rating NAEM Programs
Annual EHS Forum
84% of those who attended the Forum were “Very Satisfied
or Satisfied” with the conference.
- 80% of those attending rated the workshops as “Very
Satisfied or Satisfied”
Mid-career Advance Certificate in Business & Finance
program with Carnegie Mellon
- Most members 63% knew about the program, but only 34%
stated it was important or very important to them.
Network News – Newsletter
- 60% are Very Satisfied and Satisfied with the newsletter.
More than 90% found the management articles and case
studies by peers to be “Very Useful and Useful.”
- Membership in chapters equated to additional satisfaction
with membership overall. 64% (of those who attended)
rated Chapter involvement as “Very Satisfied and