Nancy Gillis, Director Federal Supply Chain PMO & Senior Sustainability Advisor, FAS; U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
Nancy Gillis directs the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Chain Emissions Program Management Office (PMO) which is tasked to create and promote a more sustainable federal supply chain. She chairs the Section 13 Interagency Working Group, addressing the technical and policy recommendations outlined in the EO 13514 Vendor and Contractor GHG Emissions report; manages the Sustainable Supply Chain Community of Practice, a collaborative effort between industry/academia/non-profits seeking to reduce environmental impacts throughout the supply chain; and manages the Sustainability in Procurement Fellowship, a government-wide program focused on leveraging procurement to increase federal government sustainability. Ms. Gillis has spent the majority of her career in the area of sustainability and has worked internationally on biodiversity, supply chain, economic development and technology innovation projects. Ms. Gillis received her graduate degree from Georgetown University and is a proud alumnus of the Santa Fe Institute Complexity program.
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