NAEM Network E-News

February 5, 2008
This week's management quote

"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it"
Stephen R. Covey, professional speaker and author (1932 - )


  1. U.S. Leads Tally of World's Most Sustainable Companies
  2. The Regulation Opportunity: How to Profit from Increasing Environmental Regulation
  3. Australia: EHS Implications of Obesity for Workplace Designers
  4. Saving the World Is Our Business
  5. Exxon Goes Green?
  6. Utilities Turn Their Customers Green, With Envy
  7. Job opportunities


Sage Advice or “Off-The-Mark”….
Steve Ramsey gives his thoughts to President Obama and his Cabinet on how to lead the upcoming policy discussions over climate change. Is it sage advice or is he “off-the-mark?" Visit The Green Tie to read his post and add your two cents.

The news

U.S. Leads Tally of World's Most Sustainable Companies - Article
The U.S. has overtaken the U.K. as home to the highest number of "world's most sustainable companies," according to the fifth-annual Global 100 ranking. The U.S. led the way with 20 Global 100 companies (up from 16 in 2008), followed by the U.K. with 19 and Japan with 15.

The Regulation Opportunity: How to Profit from Increasing Environmental Regulation - Article
However you feel about environmental regulation from a personal perspective is irrelevant as we look forward to the next eight years and consider how you will be impacted as a manager and manufacturer through increasing environmental legislation.

Australia: EHS Implications of Obesity for Workplace Designers - Article
The Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) has released a research report on the occupational health and safety implications of having accurate data when designing Australian workplaces. The accuracy of anthropometric data is an emerging issue that is a focus of research for the ASCC.

Saving the World Is Our Business - Article
From metals to e-waste to solvents, recycling is the solution many of today’s waste challenges.
This article is a benefit of Forum Sponsorship.

Exxon Goes Green? - Blog
Environmental strategist and author Andrew Winston surprises himself and agrees with Exxon on the issue of calling for a carbon tax.

Utilities Turn Their Customers Green, With Envy - Article
Keeping up with the Joneses used to mean buying a bigger boat, now in some cities it means buying an automatic timer for your lights and turning down the thermostat. How do you know what the Joneses are up to? Just check your utility bill.

Process Safety Engineer, Wm. WRIGLEY Jr. Company, Chicago, IL
Provide process safety support in line with ESH standards and global business activities to ensure
compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as minimizing the Company's general liability and exposure to operational safety risks.

Plant Environmental Engineer, Undisclosed Company, Southern, OH area
A prestigious manufacturing company located in the Southern, OH area, is looking to hire a Plant Environmental Engineer. This position would report to the Plant Manager with a dotted line to the corporate Environmental Manager. Must have air permitting Title V experience.

Environmental Safety/Emergency Management Officer, Cook Children's Health Care System, Fort Worth, TX
The Environmental Safety and Emergency Management Officer is responsible for all functions, programs, and responsibilities of the Safety Department. The Safety Director, in conjunction with the members of the Environmental Safety Committee, participates in, monitors and evaluates a comprehensive safety and risk-reduction program for the facility.

Director of EHS&S, Invensys Rail Group - Safetran, Louisville, KY
Duties include to lead EHS&S operations in Safetran ensuring that the business develops a strong EHS&S focus in everything it does, to support the President and Leadership Team of Safetran in fulfilling the Safetran EHS&S strategy by offering strong leadership and guidance to all Safetran sites and operations, and to develop and ensure the Safetran EHS&S is aligned with Safetran and Invensys EHS&S philosophy, policy and strategy.

Manager, Environmental Remediation, Avery Dennison, Mentor, OH
Corporate staff leadership role with primary responsibility to ensures the adequate assessment, prevention and control and management of environmental issues, risks and liabilities arising from operations; incident investigations; real estate transactions; due diligence; acquisition and divestiture activities; and agency, regulatory or third party actions. The position manages the environmental remediation and mitigation programs, with the associated enforcement or agency actions; and manages the environmental component of reserves and the associated accounting process, and Company representation.

Have a safe, healthy and environmental week!

Carol Singer Neuvelt
NAEM Executive Director

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